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Открытие новой площадки с аллейными деревьями 1400 м2

Завершилось строительство новой современной площадки с контейнерными деревьями площадью 1400 м2.

Теперь качество деревьев мы сможем предложить еще лучше, а ассортимент еще шире.

Крупномерные хвойные и магнолии для ландшафта!
К осеннему сезону мы вырастили крупномерные хвойные, магнолии, самшиты разных сортов в открытом грунте, часть из которых редких сортов! Очень высокого качества, стриженные, формированные, солитерные, топиарные... Сосны, кедры, можжевельники, пихты, ели, туи, магнолии, самшиты...

ОТКРЫТИЕ новой торговой площадки на 5000 м2
Мы для вас открыли новую торговую площадку на 5000 м2 с огромным ассортиментом растений собственного производства и импортных...

Новое поступление растений!

6 апреля поступят в продажу: можжевельники, тиссы, туи, ели, сосны, вейгелы, спиреи, барбарисы  и многое другое...

Rambler's Top100

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КЛИЕНТСКИЕ БАЗЫ http://xurl.es/PR0DAWEZ Получите свою! 27.04.2017 20:58

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Antoshkadex 28.02.2017 23:11

how do you do?..

Finest resume and cover letters templates.

https://www.etsy.com/shop/ResumeX - Download resume templates in Words' doc-file with high print quality and ready-made formats, prepare a unique resume and win your dream job position.

These resume templates made by professionals who realize what hiring managers look for.

How to start?

STEP 1: Content. Begin by organizing together the content of your cv. Focus on work experience, summary of qualifications, keywords and any other important information that makes a powerful resume. http://www.rawresume.com/ - “How to Write a Great CV” will take you through the whole game step by step.

STEP 2: Format chronological, functional or combination. Make sure you present your career in the format that highlights your experience, knowledge, and skills the best possible way. See https://www.jmu.edu/cap/students/jobintern/resumes/format.shtml - “Choosing a Format” Guide by James Madison University to decide which format is the best for you.

STEP 3: Appearance. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ResumeX - Find the most beneficent template to ‘dress up’ your content. This shop has different templates to choose from.

Good bye!

Antoshkadex 13.02.2017 02:21

Good day!

Best resume and cover letters templates.

https://www.etsy.com/shop/ResumeX - Download resume templates in Words' doc-file with high print quality and ready-made formats, prepare a polished cv and win your dream job.

These resume templates made by professionals who know what future employer look for.

Where to start?

STEP 1: Content. Begin by putting together the content of your cv. Bring into focus work experience, summary of qualifications, keywords and any other important information that makes a powerful resume. http://www.rawresume.com/ - “How to Write a Great Resume” will take you through the whole game step by step.

STEP 2: Format chronological, functional or combination. Make sure you present your career in the layout that highlights your experience, knowledge, and skills the best possible way. See https://www.jmu.edu/cap/students/jobintern/resumes/format.shtml - “Choosing a Format” Guide by James Madison University to decide which format is the best for you.

STEP 3: Appearance. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ResumeX - Find the most beneficent template to ‘dress up’ your content. This shop has different templates to choose from.


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Clara 18.06.2016 04:38

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Polly 18.06.2016 04:24

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Woods 18.06.2016 04:04

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Eldora 18.06.2016 03:44

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Trisha 18.06.2016 03:32

Your story was really intfamroive, thanks!




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